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Dosen : Mrs. Sarah Sausan
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 #

Hi everyone how are you? I hope you all fine and have a great day. 

This is our first vlog and we make it because of our English assignment, before we start to the content we’d like to introduce ourselves first. 

I’m Alifia Bonatha, I’m Esther Roitonang, I’m Evita Yolanda, and I’m Ruth Theresia
We are college students in Gunadarma University and our major is accounting.

So in this video we will share about tips and trick to answer job interviews properly. I know job interviews can be stressful especialy when you should do it in English. That’s why you need to prepare yourself. You can get a lot of advice in preparing the interviews by searching for things like “prepare for a job interview”, you can read from books, articles from google or perhaps from your parents or someone’s experience in job interviews. 

We’d like to show you example of job interviews conversation

Narration :
Evita is a fresh graduated and looking for a job . It’s been 3 days after her graduation, opportunity comes to her and its beyond her expectation she never thought she would get it this fast. She apply to Dazed Korea Magazine in Marketing position.
Evita    : job applicant
Ruth     : secretary
Esther  : Interviewer (HRD)

Esther : “come in please”
Evita    : “ Good mornig Ms. Esther”
Esther  : “Good morning … Lets have a seat miss evita. Did you find it difficult to come here ?”
Evita    :” Yes thank you miss. No, I didn’t, I found it easy to come here “
Esther  :” Ok… I was read your job application but I’d like to know you further so could you describe yourself  please?”
Evita    : “My name is Evita Sania Yolanda , you can call me Evita. I am 22 years old. I graduated from Gunadarma University i majored in Accounting”
Esther  :”What kind of person are you ?”
Evita    : “I am responsible, hardworking , cooperative, realiable”
Esther  : “Ok… so could you tell me your strength and weakness?”
Evita    : “My strength are I like to networking, socializing with new people so its easy for me to work in team, I am cooperative, hardworking , I am optimistic person and reliable. My weakness are someties my emotion is unstable or it called moody, i am quite wasteful of my money”
Esther  :”were you a member of  your university organization?”
Evita    : “ yes I was. I was an Assistant of Accounting Laboratory. I was teach students about System information of Accounting”
Esther : “Ok, sounds interesting. Did you have job experience before?”
Evita    : “Yes I had. I used to work in University of Pelita Harapan as a marketer for a year before i went universidkty
Esther  : “sounds good! Why would you like to work here?”
Evita    : “ Because I want to looking for more job experience, I have interest in korea arts and this media company is one of my dream to work in”
Esther  : “oh alright… if you have interest in korea arts it would ease you to do your job here and based on your experience I think you already know how to do your job desk. So when could you start work here?”
Evita    : “I could start it tomorrow miss”
Esther  : “OK miss Evita thank you for your time. See you tomorrow in the office. Hope you can do your job well”
Evita    : “Thank You Miss Esther. See you too, Good Morning”.

Ruth :
So that’s wrap! Did you guys catch some tips and tricks from that conversation? I hope you can apply some of them when you do job interviews. However , now me and afi would like to tell you about more tips and trick beside the questions and answer of job interview. Here we go!

First, before the interview start don’t forget to knock the door despite the door is open.Keep knock it
Do shake hands and don’t hold the interviewer’s hand too tight just adjust it with what the interviewe’s do.

Don’t have a seat before the interviewer ask you to have a seat

The way you talk is very important.The interviewer will see your personality by the way you talk. So make sure you talk politely, don’t talk too fast, use efficient sentence and don’t talk too much don’t talk about something out of the question. Do eye contact just stare to the interviewers eyes but don’t goggle at him/her it would make a different impression.

Ruth :
And face expression, don’t be so nervous, just smile and relax. Answer all the question with confidence but not too much,be doubtless, keep your mind positive , and don’t tell something too much because it could make interviewer thinks you are arrogant. Concern at your appreance too its better to wear formil and clean outfit, the way you dress is a first impression, we can’t deny it.

Ok! We think its enough.. I hope you all can learn from this video and apply it in your job interviews. You can also search more about this thing, Google provide a lot of information you can learn from.

Link video;


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