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Differences, Characteristics, Functions and Examples of Sentence and Clause

A. Understanding Clause
In general, a clause is a collection of words that contain the subject and verb. Don't compare Phrases and Clauses. They are similar but have different structures and functions. The clause itself is divided into 2 parts, namely:
1. Independent Clause
2. Dependent Clause (Subordinate Clause)

Clause Function
The clause has an important role in the composition of English grammar. Without a clause, we cannot make a sentence that has meaning. The clause also serves to provide additional information or descriptions on a sentence. That way, the clause can make the composition of a sentence more diverse and complex. Now we will study the two types of clause that we have mentioned.
1. Independent Clause
Independent clause consists of subject and verb. The Independent clause is a clause that can stand alone. So, the independent clause can be called a sentence that has been captured without the need for another clause.
Here are some examples of independent clauses:
Independent Clause
The baby crawls.
Bayinya merangkak.
The ball rolls.
Bolanya terguling.
We prayed.
Kita berdoa.
The team won.
Timnya menang.
Their oven broke.
Oven mereka rusak.
The audience clapped.
Para penonton bertepuk tangan.
The clowns fell.
Badut-badutnya jatuh.
He begged.
Dia memohon
Our cat played.
Kucing kami telah bermain.
She listened.
Dia mendengarkan.

2. Dependent Clause
Dependent clause is a clause that cannot stand alone. He needs an independent clause so that the sentence can be understood. The Dependent clause can be started with a number of conjunction subordinates in the table below:
The following are examples of dependent clause sentences and their meanings. The subordinating Conjunction used has been skewed:
Adjective Clause
The flowers which you gave me smelled wonderful.
Bunga yang kau berikan padaku harum.
The bus stops at the street where I walk home.
Busnya berhenti di jalan di mana aku pulang dengan berjalan kaki.
You lent me the book that changed my life.
Kau telah meminjamkan buku yang telah merubah hidupku.
Ms. Berry who was sick now lives with her family.
Nyonya Berry yang dulu sakit sekarang tinggal dengan keluarganya.
They found the person whom donated a lot of money to the charity.
Mereka telah menemuan orang yang telah mendonasikan banyak uang ke tempat amal.

3. Adverb Clause
Dependent clause that functions as adverb in a sentence is called adverb clause. The adverb clause has the same function as adverb which is describing verb, adjective or adverb in another sentence. He can provide additional information about the frequency (how often), cause and effect, comparison or condition. Some prefixes for adverb clause that can be used are unless, while, since, although, provided that, since, after and as soon as.
Let's use some adverb clause in the sentence:
Adverb Clause
Unless you pay your debt, it will be hard to sleep.
Kecuali kau membayar hutangmu, kau akan sulit untuk tidur.
The police check the car while I look for my ID.
Polisi memeriksa mobilnya sedangkan aku mencari kartu identitasku.
The city is flooded since it has rained for days.
Kotanya banjir sejak hujan terus berhari-hari.
Although I am not sick, I still take my vitamins.
Walaupun aku tidak sakit, aku tetap minum vitaminku.
We can travel abroad provided that we work hard for the money.
Kita bisa pergi ke luar negeri asalkan kita kerja keras untuk mengumpulkan uangnya.

B. Understanding Sentence
A sentence is one important part of grammar too. Sentence must consist of one independent clause that can be added to the other clause. So one sentence can have more than one clause. In addition to having several caluse in it, a sentence also has a subject and predicate.

Sentence Function
Then what sentence function? Sentence helps us to compose words with good and correct English grammar. Sentence also plays an important role when we want to write a written work. If we can make sentences with correct grammar, we can make essays, short stories and writings on blogs in English.
Interesting right? Immediately, we discuss 4 types of sentences in English, namely:
1. Simple Sentence
2. Compound Sentence
3. Complex Sentence
4. Compound-Complex Sentence
By studying the four types of sentences in English, we can make more varied and non-monotone sentences. What we have learned about the previous clause will be applied to the next discussion.
1. Simple Sentence
Simple sentence is the most basic sentence in English. He only has one independent clause. Simple sentence is called simple because the sentence pattern is not complicated. Here are some examples of sentences:
1. My name is Martha (My name is Martha).
2. My brother kicked the door (My brother kicked the door).
3. It is snowing (It's snowing again).
4. We like our neighbors (We like our neighbors).
2. Compound Sentence
Compound sentence is made of two independent clauses that are interconnected by using conjunction and comma punctuation. Conjunction functions to connect words in English. Some conjunctions that can be used are:

Consider the examples of the sentence below that use conjunctions. It can be seen that the conjunction has functioned as a connecting 2 independent clauses:
Adjective Clause
The flowers which you gave me smelled wonderful.
Bunga yang kau berikan padaku harum.
The bus stops at the street where I walk home.
Busnya berhenti di jalan di mana aku pulang dengan berjalan kaki.
You lent me the book that changed my life.
Kau telah meminjamkan buku yang telah merubah hidupku.
Ms. Berry who was sick now lives with her family.
Nyonya Berry yang dulu sakit sekarang tinggal dengan keluarganya.
They found the person whom donated a lot of money to the charity.
Mereka telah menemuan orang yang telah mendonasikan banyak uang ke tempat amal.

3. Complex Sentence
A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and one or two dependent clauses. We can put the independent clause or dependent clause at the beginning of the sentence. The dependent clause can begin with the conjunction that we discussed earlier.
Here are some examples of dependent clauses with conjunction:
Complex Sentences
Arti Complex Sentences
The children will keep playing video games until we arrive.
Anak-anak tetap akan bermain game sampai kami datang.
Since they left the school, they have not returned home.
Sejak mereka meninggalkan sekolah, mereka belum pulang.
The students turn in their homeworks before the teacher’s meeting.
Para siswa menyerahkan PR mereka sebelum rapat guru.
Though I understand your condition, you are still responsible for the accident.
Walaupun aku memahami kondisimu, kamu tetap bertanggung jawab atas kecelakaannya.

4. Compound-Complex Sentence
Compound-complex sentence consists of at least 2 independent clauses and is followed by one or more dependent clauses. This type of sentence is longer than the other types of sentences so it is very important to give correct punctuation.
Here are some examples of sentences. The 2 independent clauses in each sentence have been recited:
Compound-Complex Sentence
I forgot to buy a present, so I ordered from a website when I got home.
Aku lupa membeli kado jadi aku pesan dari situs web ketika aku sudah di rumah.
The party is over, even though there are still people waiting for taxis.
Pestanya telah selesai walaupun masih ada orang-orang menunggu taksi.
I like watching movies, although some are bad but I still watch them anyway.
Aku suka menonton film, walaupun beberapa film jelek tapi aku tetap saja menontonnya.

(Note: For bold writing is a clause, and for writings underlined are sentences.)

Kartini Day: A Symbol of Modern Women Empowerment in Indonesia

Every 21 April, Indonesians commemorate Hari Kartini (Kartini’s Day). A day to celebrate Indonesian hero of women empowerment – Raden Ajeng Kartini, or more popular with Ibu Kartini. This is akin to International Women’s Day and the focus is the issue of women empowerment.

Raden Ajeng Kartini, or more popular with Ibu Kartini. This is akin to International Women’s Day and the focus is the issue of women empowerment. All across Indonesia, female students and teachers in schools dress in Kebaya, while the male students dress in Batik. Various competitions such as fashion shows, cooking competitions and flower arrangement competitions are held to enliven the commemoration.

There are more stories behind the commemoration of Kartini Day. It’s not just merely celebration. Deep beneath the festivity, Kartini Day has been commemorated to remind us that women and men are supposed to be equal.

Raden Adjeng Kartini (RA Kartini) was born into a noble family on April 21, 1879 in the village of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. Living in 19th century, she was the daughter of Assistant of Head of Regency who was also the descendant of a noble family. During that period, women’s access to higher education was restricted.

RA Kartini even experienced the Javanese tradition of “pingitan” , a period when a teenage girl is secluded at home and her activities are limited, until a man marries her. Kartini spent her time by reading books she got from her relatives. She also sent letters to her Dutch friends, protesting about gender inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age and pingitan, which also denied women the freedom to pursue an education.

She was married to Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat, the regent of Rembang, at the age of 24. Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad, but the marriage made her erase her hopes of accepting it. Even then, at 24 she was too old in Javanese tradition to expect to marry well.

Fortunately, when she was intent on spreading her feminist spirit, her husband supported her to establish a school for Javanese girls. With help from the Dutch government, in 1903 she opened her first Indonesian primary school for native girls that did not discriminate based on their social status. The school taught girls a progressive, Western-based curriculum. To Kartini, the ideal education for a young woman encouraged empowerment and enlightenment. She also promoted their lifelong pursuit of education.

In Indonesia, some people still think that education is only for men. Many families give this privilege only for their sons, and not for the daughters. They still have this mindset that daughters will end up as a housewife, or by the Indonesian popular saying, they only end up in dapur, sumur, kasur (kitchen, well, bed). They don’t care if these girls are not educated, as long as they are capable of being a wife and mother at the end of the day.

As time went on, this mindset slowly loses its place in people’s mind. More and more modern parents give freedom to their daughters to get higher education, to be career women, and pursue their dream. More and more husbands give the freedom to their wives to explore their potential, not only in the office but also in the field of entrepreneurship. Are these women not good enough to be wife and mother? NO. They still know their responsibilities, they still have time to help their children to do their homework, and they still have time to do domestic chores. We can conclude that freedom and equality for women do not necessarily make them forget about their responsibilities.

One thing that we need to emphasize about the importance of education for women is that mothers are the first ‘school’ for their children. How the children grow really depends on how their mothers teach them. That is why education for women is important, as they need to know what’s best for their children and the best way to educate their children, especially during the ‘Golden Age’.

The commemoration of Kartini Day is a good chance for us, women and men, to remind ourselves gender equality. The festivity of Kartini Day—the fashion shows, cooking competitions and all the festivities—are a great reminder for us to keep the women’s spirit alive. We need to always remember that women are great; women are strong; women are capable.



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